The best truth available I have found is here.
Vietnam Combat Veterans are the webmasters here.
They will check you out.
All Vietnam Combat Veterans, please know that anything you read about Glenn or his "Foxhole Buddies" chiseled in stone near Glenn's memorial is a valid criticism to any whippersnapper with an "M.D." that minimized your service to Uncle Sam.
P.T.S.D. negligence never improved till the D.A.V. showed "NO HASSLES IN HERE!" on signs posted out front of what are now "Vet Centers" only because something that worked made the V.A. look bad.
Chicago_Geek worked as a Honeywell Biomedical Electronics Technician using my Naval Aviation Electronics Training. My boss -- George Irby -- had served as a shipboard "ET" (electronics technician). So my geekiness was useful to a geek geekier than I was when I was his subordinate from 10/1979 till 10/1980 in hospitals under Honeywell Contract -- approxomately 15 hospitals in Miami, Fort Lauderdale and West Palm Beach.
My bad attitude was acepted in 1980 Fort lauderdale. But when I got a "S.M.A.C-24." with differential for the carcinogens the Navy put in my body -- dioxins -- I made them give me a second Agent Orange Exam. I did not serve in the Pacific. I was in Texas when the Navy gave me dioxin exposure. So I know how to argue on a medical laboratory level with any V.A. Doctor or V.A. Civilian Employee. That is how I got 2 "AGENT ORANGE EXAMS".
As soon as I get paid, I can end my bad attitude that will get worse in 2010!!!!!!!!!!!