Friday, November 27, 2009

The Heroes Cheated =
Vietnam Combat Veterans Agent Orange site =
HERO = Glen Ludban

The Heroes Cheated
by R.J. Byanski, Jr. 10/1/93
Vietnam was the only blackeye the U.S. Military ever got;
But we all know that is
$500-hammer purchasing rot!
Ya'll be ashamed of no parade for Vietnam Heroes;
But blame U.S. leaders for being zeros!
Truman’s French stood a decade of guard
on Vietnam's pike;
But DeGaul got a $10-billion gift
from President Ike!
White House static continued with
Johnson's tall Texan lip;
But halted with the crash of crook nixon's slip!
The question of Agent Orange
the World Court will decide;
But unexplained cancers and
one-armed babies is a herbicide like thalidomide!
M.I.A's. Must be forgotten for America
to buy Vietnam's oil;
But that makes unexplained
cancer Victims' & patriots' blood boil!
Vietnam Veterans count on proper care from
the Veterans' Administration;
But what good are doctors giving
wrong x-ray radiation!
Most countries wish to copy
the democracy of our start;
But freedom is nowhere
unless Heroes get a fair part!
Robert John Byanski, Jr. 10/1/1993