Spelling Bee
by Robert John Byanski, Jr. 8/25/2002
Spelling to me is like again hitting a bruise.
How you put words in computers determines
how much with your boss you schmooze.
Most memorable academic success is math.
Spelling was like giving a dirty little boy a bath.
Ever wonder why dedicated educators call it a “Bee”?
A “Quilting Bee” is opposite emotionally to
two lines in a classroom disgracefully.
My Geometry, Spanish and Calculus gave
the Pentagon their sophisticated toys.
I disliked Literature and Marketing Communication ploys.
I tolerated the honor student who was usually last to stand.
The internet told me Susan is a teacher, grand.
Spelling competition with two lines of classmates in a room,
Showed your friends who sat down in doom.
Humiliation was in every step till you sat down.
Spelling Bees are why I became a class clown.
Competition in spelling in grade three,
Did help make a Senior football letterman out of me.
Here is my advice to Susan’s students
about their teacher and what they learn,
Stay in School and any GPA better than 2.5/4.0 allows
fun where you economically earn.
Aloha, Robert John Byanski, Jr. (B52-46-07)